Personal Profile

London, Соединённое Королевство

Alex is a professional, versatile and enthusiastic Certified Scrum Trainer / Lean & Agile Coach.  He has well over two decades of experience working in technology teams and over a decade of that experience working in agile transformations.  Alex has worked in complex environments for organisations from medium to large in size, in many sectors including financial services, medical, gaming, telecoms and others. His work involves advising organisations on Lean Agile transformations, business wide agility, agile team building and agile leadership. Plus Alex is highly experienced in development of custom training and education pathways to support large scale agile transformations. He believes that that there is no cookie cutter approach to any agile adoption, and each organisation needs to learn what the best way of working is for their context.

Alex is a Director, Head of Training, Lean Agile Practice Lead and Certified Scrum trainer for Radtac Ltd.