Personal Profile

Krakow, Польща

Hi, I'm Justyna Wykowska.

For me creating of software products means pushing limits of creative imagination and collaboration. To be successful you need a robust team with good technical knowledge, suitable process and bit of luck.

I've started my journey from gaining technical knowledge. I've graduated with Msc degree in IT area and become a teacher of Computer Science. What I've learnt during this time is that having knowledge "how to code" doesn't mean that you are able to create product.

My next goal was to understand "how process works". In 2005 I've joined IT industry and  I was leading software projects using different methodologies. I have learnt that there is no such thing like a perfect production process. Doesn't matter, if you are using Scrum, Kanban or Waterfall, important is continously improving your way of working.

During those years I've discovered that my passion is working with people and supporting them on their path from Group of Individuals to wonderful machine known as a TEAM. On this way to excellence I'm helping by coaching and training teams and individuals.