Uncovering the Agile Mindset
Agile transformations fail regularly, despite many putting their best efforts forth. And dominant focus continues to be on agile as a process, addressing the important need for an agile mindset and culture only in passing. While Agilists feel that someone’s mindset is absolutely critical to agility, the agile mindset is not actually defined anywhere. Even Steve Denning, in a May 2020 article, said, “is it possible that we in the Agile community have been putting too much emphasis on such an undefined and ambiguous term [mindset]?”
Well, we didn't know what an agile mindset was either, so we turned to the world of adult developmental psychologists like Robert Kegan, Bill Torbert and David Rooke to find out what they thought about mindset. In this session, learn from Heidi Araya and John Turley about the research-backed approach to understanding the agile mindset that we at Adaptavist are taking and what role autonomy and control play, as well as social networks, and employee engagement. In a candid view of what has worked and what has not worked at Adaptavist and with our clients, we share approaches, structures, and techniques that are radically changing some aspects of how the entire company goes about creating value every day.
This perspective challenges the orthodoxy. You might agree, you might disagree, but this different perspective will have you thinking.
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