An interview with Srikanth Ramanujam

An interview with Srikanth Ramanujam.

Combined event for Lean Product Delivery (, Lean UX London(, LeSS Meetup Baku (

Srikanth Ramanujam is such an active contributor to the agility chefs live stream, so John thought why not bring Srikanth on the show as it seems obvious Srikanth has a lot to say. Not only that, John likes the clarity of thinking Srikanth demonstrates.

Srikanth's goal is to be a Coach, Facilitator, Educator, and Mentor who helps large organizations systemically change their way of work. Srikanth believes in a tailored approach of principles driven change and that means helping organizations learn and understand the theory and methods that are required to build your principles and associated strategy that helps them achieve their outcomes. That gives organizations a greater chance of success for more stable and sustainable outcomes - with higher utility in the way they engage the potential of their people as well as the use of money and time.

To this end, Srikanth is aligned to borrowing principles and thinking from a multitude of sources including Lean, Agile, Systems Thinking, Design Thinking, Product Management/Development, Cynefin, Scrum, LeSS, Kanban, practices/methods that support short-cycle software development, DevOps, etc.


People are welcome to pre-load questions by emailing, comment on the stream itself, or coming on camera if they wish.



One person is doing the stream, watching the comments, and that person will not be monitoring messages on meetup shortly before or after the live stream starts. Have your preferred link below already open at least 15 minutes to go.

This will be a live-stream event. See...

f: search for Agility chefs (page) on Facebook, Orderly Disruption (page) on Facebook - (live or replay) or:

y: (live or replay)
p: (live or replay)
twitch: (live only)

If you struggle with links, search for John Coleman agile within twitch or youtube and scroll for John Coleman's channel.


In addition, if and only if you'd like to question the host(s) live on camera and after you check your audio/video setup at, you can join if you Whatsapp John Coleman on +447908539437 so John can send you a link to join on camera.

If you have any issues joining, please comment on one of the above (Facebook/Youtube/Periscope/Twitch channels, not here on meetup as this meetup page won't be monitored during the event.

Event Photos