LeSS (Large-Scale Scrum) is a framework for more multiple-teams to work together build one product and for a guide for the organization to build simpler, more agile, organizations. It emerged out of experimentation in large-scale development over the past 20 years. The last years it has been more public through lots of published case studies (https://less.works/case-studies/index) and more accessible through a network of trainers offering courses (https://less.works/courses/less-courses).
In this session, Bas Vodde, one of the creators of LeSS, will give an introduction to the LeSS Framework and LeSS thinking. This will be as much as possible driven through questions so that we can focus the explanations to the ones that matter most.
You can already post your questions on the sessions Miro board, which is at: https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_l6aRxJ8=/