Convincing Management and Teams to Change (and Hire You to Do It!)

(Please register via here)

Selling change is the hardest part of being a Change Agent—and often the most overlooked skill. There’s no shortage of advice on what Scrum Masters and Agile Coaches should do once change is underway—but far less on the first, critical step: convincing decision-makers that change is necessary and that you are the right person to lead it.

In this talk, Viktor, a Certified LeSS Trainer with decades of experience in Enterprise Agile adoption, tackles this challenge head-on. He’ll share his ideas and strategies for making the case for change to management and teams - even when their instinct is to protect the status quo—and how to position yourself as the agent who can make it happen.

The reception will let you in starting at 18:00 (don't forget your ID!). We'll start with pizza and start the talk round 18:45.

City: Utrecht Country: Niederlande

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